Monday, November 5, 2012

Something like a sponge

Soak the rich to make the economy better? I have mixed feelings about this concept and who it should apply to. There are a lot of rich people who I believe could afford to not live as extravagantly as they do like some athletes, owners of professional leagues, and actresses/actors to name a few. For most of these mentioned people the less rich actually have made it possible for them to be as rich as they are. Would Nike give athletes million dollar contracts if people didn't buy hundred dollar shoes? Would film companies give actors millions for a movie that they were guessing would succeed if they weren't sure that people would go see the movie? If court side seats were the same as the nose bleeds all of the seats would be sold out but because people will pay $1000 for a seat, why not charge it?

Now granted, does Jay-Z need a private jet, does Kobe Bryant need several homes, and does Brad Pitt need lots of cars? No, but because of their popularity with the common folk, they can afford it. I feel like the rich in entertainment could afford to pay more taxes or give back more to communities in the US (and I stress US for a reason) but other people should not expect it.

We don't want people to tell us what to do with our money so why should we tell them what to do with theirs? Yes, we would hope that they would want to give more but they don't have to. I would think it would be a moral responsibility to want to give back but that's me personally and not everyone is me.

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