Monday, November 5, 2012

Set the Bar

We just want successful children!

I feel like this is what all parents want in general. I do not have kids but I know that I want my future kids to be successful in everything that they plan to do. These elite schools are good models for what we want schools to be like but having been around these "elite" students, I'm not sure that I would want my kids to be modeled after that type of student.
These schools offer a lot of opportunities for students but it still wouldn't change if the student is going to be successful or not. I get that we want elite schools to be the exception but there are students who get denied from colleges from elite schools as well as "normal" school. If elite schools are going to be the norm then I don't believe that teachers should get paid more then they are now. The money to fund these elite schools would have to come from tax payers because clearly the government can't afford it and I don't think this is fair in all honesty.
Some areas can't afford for their taxes to go up and even if all schools are elite, the elite will find a way to make their schools ubber elite. Its like a game of cat and mouse. All schools will not be the same because everyone wants their students to have the best but not all schools can be the best. I just don't think its a feasible goal. As we have learned, there is always a winner and not everyone can win.

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