Monday, October 1, 2012

I'd Quote That!

A couple of people that I think of as public intellects would be Warren Buffet, Michelle Obama, and Bill Clinton. I also agree with one of my classmates in saying that Comedians are public intellects as well. For the first three i named, I believe they are PIs because they are/were in the public eye speaking on some things that they feel very strongly about. They studied these areas, made an opinion and projected these ideas to others. Do I believe they are always right? Absolutely not! But what I do believe is that they have decided to put themselves out in the public for opinions of their ideals knowing that they would have backlash. They believe in what they have to say and stick to it.
I choose Warren Buffet because of one of the speeches he gave to a graduating MBA class and the quote that he used in that speech. He said "The Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken." That quote can be used to talk about the public opinion and many other things in our world today. No one feels there needs to be a change until its way to late to try and change it.
As far as comedians are concerned, they say exactly how they feel and even if you disagree you still chuckle or smile because they had the balls to say it in front of an audience.To me, PIs come in all different shapes and sizes and even if I don't agree with them I know someone does.

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